Free Ice Cream - BHS Drama Club fall production
Bluffton High School's Drama Club hands out some free ice cream for its fall play presentation in early November.
"Free Ice Cream," a collection of two-dozen fast-paced, humorous skits billed as family entertainment by Brett Eshlemn, will be performed at 7:30 p.m., Friday and Satsurday, Nov. 9 and 10, in the Bluffton middle school. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Here's a background of this fall's presentation:
"At the high school where Eshelman taught for many years, Free Ice Cream became an annual, student-produced and student-oriented tradition. The skits presented here are the “greatest hits” from over the years, all audience-tested for a fun-filled variety show.
Written to be performed by high school actors, yet delightfully entertaining and appropriate for a wider audience, this collection of scripts encourages improvisation and the addition of original, student-written material.
Free Ice Cream as a production is promoted with the idea that, “We’re so desperate for an audience, if you come to our show, we’ll give you free ice cream.”
Ticket information
According to Kevin Gratz, director, "While it’s true the ice cream is free, there is a cost for the show. Admission is set at $3 for adults and $1 for students.
"But, if you are so inclined or intimidated to do so, adults can roll the big fuzzy dice and pay the amount corresponding to the number of dots on the die."
(i.e. roll a six and pay $6, “Thank you for your contribution.”)