Et Cetera Shop future plans on chamber agenda

The future plans of Et Cetera Shop will be revealed at the Friday, Dec. 14, Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast, according to Paula Scott, chamber CEO.

"Learn about Et Cetera Shop plans and progress on their move from their South Main Street shop to the Boss Glove Factory building on North Main Street. Manager Chrissy Lugibihl will also provide background on the non-profit thrift shop," said Scott.

RSVPs are due Wednesday, Dec. 12 to [email protected]

Breakfast details
7 - 7:30 a.m. Breakfast buffet
7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Program
• Sponsor Announcement
• Chamber News
• Presentation
• Member Announcements
Lisa Wenger, Real Living CCR Realtor
Breakfast provider:
The Dough Hook
Music by: 
Krysti's Music Studio
Coffee by:
Twisted Whisk Cafe