BFR summer camp sign-up underway

The complete summer camp guide is an attachment at the bottom of this story -

Bluffton Family Recreation announces its summer camp program schedule, according to Daniel Tinch, BFR executive director. Registration is now available by calling BFR at 419-358-4150.

This year's camp has several new features:
• a preschool camp offered one day each week for children 3 to 6
• Bluffton Hospital will provide campers lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday

"BFR summer camp is a full day experience, designed with a wide range of activities guaranteed to expand your child’s horizons. It is open to youth ages 5 to 12.," said Tinch.

He continued: "Kids have fun while making new friends, developing new skills, learning core values, building self confidence and growing in self-reliance.

"Campers experience a variety of indoor and outdoor activities based around weekly themes.

"In addition, campers stay active in education through our daily active readers club built into each day."

More details
7:30 - 9:30 a.m. Pre-camp
9:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. - Traditional camp
3:30-5:30 p.m. - Post camp

Lunch: Bluffton Hospital will provide lunch for all campers on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Weekly camp themes
June 3-7 - Superheroes in training
June 10-14 - Lifehacks
June 17-21 - Young scientist
June 24-28 - Lions, Tigers and Bears...Oh, my!
July 1-5 (no camp July 4) - Fairtales and fables
July 8-12 - Wilderness week
July 15-19 - Warlocks/wizards/witches (world of Harry Potter)
July 22-26 - Healthy habits camp
July 29-Aug. 2 - Wacky water week
Aug. 5-9 - Holidays
Aug. 12-16 - Reduce, reuse and recycle
Aug. 19-23 - Fortnite camp

Preschool Camp (New this summer)
Preschool camp introduces young children to traditional day camp while their parents/guardian engages in the activities with their camper. Activities are provided every Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. (Except July 4th week camp will be held July 2.)

Each day has its own theme and provides campers with the experience of making new friends, developing new skills, learning core values, building self-confidence and growing in self-reliance.

June 7 - Sports bug
June 14 - Lil’ chef
June 21 - Green gardeners
June 28 - It’s buggy out there!
July 2 - Garden fairies
July 12 - Reduce, reuse and recycle
July 19 - Music and rhythm
July 26 - Wacky water day
Aug. 2 - Color me messy
Aug. 9 - Superhero
Aug. 16 - Wild wilderness
Aug. 23 - Camp rewind

For more information contact:
BFR 215 Snider Road, Bluffton
Phone: 419-358-4150