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Talk a walk into downtown history on Monday evening

Fred Steiner leads a "village story walk" on Main Street; sign-up at the library

Did you ever notice…
• that the alley narrows between the Shannon Theatre and 10,000 Villages?
• and that Cherry Street widens between Dollar General and Main Street?
• a reference to books on the doorway above an entrance to Bluffton High School as it faces Main Street?

And, did you know that…
• an error exists on the historic painting in the post office?
• a railroad track is embedded in the center of Main Street below the pavement?
• there’s a reason why Main Street doesn’t run true north and south?

These are some of the subjects addressed during a village story walk Monday evening, June 17, as part of the Bluffton Public Library’s “A Universe of Stories” summer reading program.

You may join Fred Steiner and take a walk up Main Street from the library. You will get answers to the questions above, plus hear some interest stories about early downtown Bluffton.

The first walking group starts at 6 p.m., and that time slot is already filled. A second walking group takes place at 7 p.m. and spots are still open for that tour.

Persons interested in participating should contact the Bluffton Public Library at 419-358-5016, or stop in at the front desk to sign up for the 7 p.m. walk.