Et Cetera's sneak peek is Sunday - tickets required

Interested in a sneak peek and preview of the soon-to-be new Et Cetera Shop?

Here’s your chance, but you need a ticket to be in the party.

An official sneak peek is from 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 1, at 327 N. Main St. Here’s how you can participate: Tickets will be available at the door on the day of the event for $25 each.

Chrissy Lugibihl, Et Cetera manager, said that the store is not accepting any donations of any kind from now until the new location is open.

Following Sunday's sneak peek, the new location will officially open for customers at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3.

Background on the move
The move from the current location was initiated several years ago.  As donations of goods for sale increased, more space was needed. It was also felt that more retail areas would help serve more customers by offering more display areas. 

Lugibihl and the governing board and volunteers are optimistic about the future of the store. 

It is believed that the Et Cetera Shop provides many positives to the community. 

This move will save the Glove Factory from vacancy, bring another store to Main Street, save good items from the landfill, provide affordable items to many folks, help people near and far, while improving the working conditions of the faithful volunteers who happily serve without pay.

It was 45 years ago the Et Cetera Shop opened for business.  One of the “prime movers” for the original store was Lois Kreider, formerly of Bluffton.