Bluffton will have new refuse and recycle carrier in June

Bluffton trash and recycle customers will have a new carrier beginning June 1.

Rumpke Waste and Recycling was awarded the bid as the village’s carrier during Monday’s council meeting. The current carrier, Republic, also submitted a bid and it was not accepted.

Council approved a three-year contract with Rumpke, who is Ohio’s largest recycler by volume. Customers will eventually have their current green and blue totes removed and replaced with totes from the new carrier.

BLUFFTON COUNCIL holds two committee meetings on Friday:
• Insurance 2:30 p.m.
• Finance 3:30 p.m.

The price will increase from $18.75 per month to $19.56 per month. The fee is part of the monthly “Garbage”  line item on customer’s village utility bill. (See the illustration). The monthly utility bill is broken into four categories:
• Water
• Sewer
• Garbage (which is both refuse and recycling)
• Recycle (the cost for residents to deposit brush at the brush dump)

Garage and recycle rates are fixed. Individual charges for water and sewer vary by the month based upon household usage.

Additional items from Monday’s meeting are in the council packet attached at the bottom of this story.