Signage, parking on Main St., village entrance improvements

Supporting this story are five attachments at the bottom -

Signage, public parking and village entrance improvements are ongoing discussions by Bluffton council this winter and spring.

On Feb. 13 council’s streets, lights, alley and sidewalk committee, consisting of Joe Sehlhorst and Jerry Cupples, reviewed six related subjects. That committee reported on its meeting during the Feb. 24 council meeting.

1 – Street sign replacement program

2 – Wayfinding (directional signs) 
     Chamber project with support from the village

3 – Public parking 
     Chamber project, educating business owners to use off-street parking instead of Main Street parking

4 – Bentley Road village entrance improvement. At Quarry Drive and Bentley, filling in area for an eventually welcome sign with landscaping

5 – Washington Street parking and crosswalk – Eliminating parking on south side of Washington from Main to the corner of the public alley. Parking will remain on north side with possible painted parking spots. Main and Washington crosswalk installation with ADA ramps, estimated cost $6,000

6 – Harmon Road-Garau Street intersection – Bluffton Hospital requested stop signs installed  on Harmon-Garau.  Committee is studying the request

Attachments at the bottom of this story provide additional details on these topics, plus some signage examples.