Here's links to several Sunday church services

Churches should continue to contact the Icon for updates at: [email protected]

No public Sunday church service? No problem.

The Icon invites churches to send links to live stream, websites and Facebooks that show Sunday services broadcasts. The Icon will post all links received.

Also, churches may send any additional church-related news for publication. We will accept pdfs of church newsletters and Sunday bulletins.

Here are the church links we currently have that lead to Sunday broadcasts. We ask pastors to alert us to any incorrect links.

Bluffton Presbyterian
Worship video at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday

Ebenezer Mennonite Church
A message on Facebook and the church website

First Mennonite Church
2:30 p.m. Sunday video stream

Trinity Lutheran, Jenera
 A modified service online at or a DVD available by mail or hand-delivered. Call 419-326-4685 or 419-302-5271.

Since last week's list of church service cancellation was posted, the following join the list:
• Emmanuel UCC
• English Lutheran Church
• First United Methodist and Rockport UMC -
 will not hold public worship services at least through Easter.
• St. John Mennonite
• St. John's UCC
  will not hold public worship services in March
• St. Mary's Catholic Church