Letter: MHCO's needs hundreds of masks

Icon viewers: 
Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio is thankful for the many volunteers who have given of their time throughout the many years to serve and support the elders of our communities.

Due to precautions taken concerning COVID-19, all volunteer activities have been suspended except for drivers who help with Our Daily Bread - Mobil Meals in Bluffton. 

If you enjoy sewing, and are looking for an opportunity to stay active at home we are receiving homemade masks for use in non-critical care situations that follow the guidelines in the video.    https://www.deaconess.com/How-to-make-a-Face-Mask?fbclid=IwAR1H25JhviFlq...

Thanks to those who have already made masks, our goal is to receive hundreds of masks in the coming weeks.  Please contact Chris Moser at 419-490-7109 to be informed of MHCO’s need for additional masks and how many you could help make.  

To the many wonderful MHCO volunteers… stay tuned. We hope to have new volunteer opportunities posted once things settle down.

Again thank you for your support!
Chris Moser
Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio