Take a summer art walk through Bluffton

Fifth in a series –
More photos at the bottom this story

Summer is a great time to explore the art spread across the Bluffton community – especially for viewers unable to visit art galleries elsewhere in Ohio.

As a weekly series, The Icon will feature the art created by John Peter Klassen, a long-time Bluffton College art professor.

For some viewers, this series is familiar. For others, it may be a first-time experience.

Either way, it’s an opportunity to take a walk and view some art that is uniquely Bluffton. Much of Klassen’s art is spread through Bluffton University campus, however several pieces, shown later in this series, are elsewhere in the community.

Today’s feature
Baptismal at St. John's United Church of Christ
Located in the church sanctuary

The St. John's United Church of Christ, at the corner of Jackson and College has a baptismal font featuring Klassen's work. There are six ceramic pieces created by the artist in the 1930s.

Click here for the fourth installment in this series. Each installment in this series links to an earlier feature.

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