Watch the latest pathway ribbon cutting

Ribbon-cutting video is 
at the bottom of this story –

The Sept. 14 dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for the newest extension of the Lions Way bike and pedestrian pathway can now be viewed on the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce YouTube channel.

Bluffton Lions Foundation president Dick Ramseyer is emcee for the program, which includes:

•Invocation by Rev. Jeremy Mann of the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association

•Remarks by Mayor Richard Johnson, Lions Club president Patty Navin, and Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce CEO Paula Scott

•Village proclamation by council president Jerry Cupples

•Ribbon cutting ceremony with Bluffton Lions Foundation volunteers John and Jenny Pilarowski

The Bentley Road pathway has been extended from Magnolia Lane to Riley Street, as part of a pathway and bike lane project that will circle the Village of Bluffton.

A map of the Lions Way, including nearby bike racks, picnic facilities, and restrooms, can be found at


Sept 2020 Lions Way Extension Dedication, Bluffton, Ohio

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