If February was so short, why was it so cold?

February came in like a lion, remaining that in that animal form for three weeks.

And, without warning, a lamb took its place on the 22nd and has yet to leave.

According to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, the 28-day month began with a low of 8 degrees on Feb. 3 and ended with a high of 61 degrees on Feb. 28, a welcome 53-degree improvement.

Yet, during a 21-day stretch from Feb. 1 to 21, the temperature topped above freezing only twice, on the 4th and 21st.

But, taking into consideration February’s low of minus 4 and high of 61, we experienced  an 11-day cycle with a wild temperature change of 65 degrees. That’s a ride we only want to take in the winter.

And, like the stock market, we’ve watch it rise ever since to a boiling 61 degrees on Feb. 28.

In the end, February 2021’s average daily temperature reached a cool 21.7 degrees. Compared that to the February normal average of 27.2 degrees. Now you know why you bundled up most of the month when going outside.

And none of that takes into account 14.7 inches of February snowfall.

The daily February weather figures are in the chart below.

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