Random selection for County Health Assessment survey
The Allen County Community Health Assessment Committee has begun its survey of Allen County residents as part of a community health assessment process. The Allen County Community Health Assessment Committee is working closely with the Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio and researchers at the University of Toledo to conduct the survey.
Over the next two months, 2,000 Allen County residents will be randomly selected to participate in a survey of adults ages 19-years and older. Residents of Allen County who are randomly selected are urged to complete and return the survey.
The anonymous survey asks participants to answer questions about general health, risk and protective health factors, and access to health care. These answers will create a snapshot of the health of Allen County.
The results will guide many public and private agencies in their program planning over the next several years by identifying key health problems. The final community health assessment report will be published in the spring of 2022 after which the results will be used to prioritize needs and update the community health improvement plan.
The last community health survey was completed in 2017, and the results can be found at this link. https://www.allencountypublichealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/2017-...
The Allen County Community Health Assessment Committee is composed of many public and private agencies that make up the public health system. The partners include: Allen County Public Health, Mercy Health, Lima Memorial Health System, the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Allen, Auglaize, and Hardin Counties, the United Way of Greater Lima, and Activate Allen County.