WELD webinar on becoming an employer of choice

Amanda Riess of Ada has announced that she and Brian Butcher, president of Clemans, Nelson & Associates, are doing a webinar on effective ways for employers to overcome the current, crazy market and fast-changing workforce.

The Northwest Ohio E-Chapter of Women for Economic Leadership and Development (WELD), a non-profit organization, is hosting the presentation on Creating a Culture: How to Become an Employer of Choice in this Crazy Market on March 29 from 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Business owners, employers, managers, supervisors, HR professionals, and anyone making decisions in a workplace will learn creative tips on recruiting and retaining great employees despite the recent changes in the overall workforce and market in general. The cost is $30 for anyone not a WELD member, $20 for WELD members, and free for students.

A flyer with more information is attached. Register by March 27 at https://www.weldusa.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1611204&group=  This webinar is open to the public, so please feel free to share this with your network. 

More information about the national non-profit organization, WELD, can be found at https://www.weldusa.org/. Reiss notes that the NW Ohio E-Chapter is always welcoming new members.

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