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Sept. 12 dinner meeting at Bluffton Senior Center

Among the many events listed in the monthly newsletter from the Bluffton Senior Center, 132 N. Main St., is the September dinner meeting for members. For a look at the full list of events and opportunities, click HERE.

TIME: Monday, September 12, 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: Bluffton Senior Center

WHAT: The meal will be catered by Pandora Lunchbox. They will be serving baked
steak, au gratin potatoes, green beans and dessert. Cost of the meal is $10.50 and
reservations must be made by September 7 to make sure there is enough food for

MC: Mary Hofstetter

PROGRAM: Show and Tell. In honor of the little kids going back to school, we are
going to do and old fashion Show and Tell. Bring something you have made to
share. We will take turns talking about our hobbies. We will have a sign up if you
know ahead of time or just bring it that night.
