Radio Dispatcher Tyree honored in Findlay

FINDLAY– Ohio State Highway Patrol Dispatcher Ashlee Tyree has been selected as the 2022 Dispatcher of the Year at the Findlay Dispatch Center. Dispatcher Tyree has also been selected as the 2022 Dispatcher of the year for the Findlay District. 

Tyree, 37, was honored in recognition of outstanding service of the past year at the Findlay Dispatch Center. Sworn officers and dispatchers chose Tyree based on technical job knowledge and ability, enthusiastic work attitude, teamwork, and prompt and courteous response to the public’s requests for information and assistance. 

Dispatcher Tyree is now in contention for the State Dispatcher of the Year Award to be announced at a later date.

Dispatcher Tyree joined the Highway Patrol in 2014 and has served at the Findlay Dispatch Center since joining the Division. Originally from Tiffin and a graduate of Tiffin Columbian High School, Dispatcher Tyree has an Associate’s Degree from Brown Mackie College. Dispatcher Tyree was Dispatcher of the year for the Findlay Post in 2018 and 2019. Tyree is a field training officer and has also received the Dispatcher Criminal Patrol Award in 2018. 

Dispatcher Tyree resides in Tiffin with her cat Wilson.