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Letter: Please consider voting “NO” on Issue 1

A letter from Bluffton residents John and Jenny Pilarowski.

Our legislators in Columbus are spending our tax dollars to hold a special election on August 8, 2023 to vote on Issue 1 – to change the Constitution of Ohio.

Issue 1 would make it more difficult – nearly impossible – to bring any citizen initiative to a vote of the people. It would require signatures from 5% of all who voted in the last gubernatorial election from all 88 Ohio counties to get an initiative on the ballot and then require there to be 60% approval of all ballots cast to pass the initiative. Currently signatures from 44 counties are required plus a yes vote from 50% of all ballots voted plus one more yes ballot – a simple majority!

The purpose of this election is to stop an abortion initiative but it will have the same effect on all future Constitutional initiatives such as an effort to create a citizen commission to draw non-gerrymandered voting maps for Ohio.

This proposal also eliminates the 10-day grace period allowing for the gathering of more signatures if an initiative initially comes up short.

The above information comes from an article by Frank LaRose, Ohio’s Secretary of State, entitled “State Issue 1 and from a Toledo Blade article published on July 16, 2023 entitled “Ohioans have history of changing constitution.”

Issue 1 – reduces the citizens opportunity for the majority to rule in Ohio – deleting the power of the people. Issue 1 is a BAD idea for Ohio.

Please consider voting “NO” on Issue 1 on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. Early voting is possible right now.

Most Sincerely,

John and Jenny Pilarowski


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