Youth tennis program at Bluffton High School, June 17-21

Registration is open through June 3

A five day youth tennis program will be held at Bluffton High School Mon, Jun 17 - Fri, Jun 21, 2024 from 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. The program is for youth ages 5 - 9 years old.

Lead coach is Jennifer Allgire. The price is $45.00

Register online HERE.

We’re introducing the greatest game to a whole new generation. Tennis is more fun and easier than ever. With smaller courts, shorter tennis racquets and balls that bounce slower and lower, beginner players – especially kids – can learn more easily and quickly.

When your child plays tennis, they will achieve greater physical activity and feel successful right from the start because playing tennis incorporates aerobic exercise, improves balance, agility and hand-eye coordination, and teaches self-confidence and self-assurance.

Need more information? Contact Jennifer Allgire at [email protected].

Where to find us

Bluffton High School

106 West College Avenue, Bluffton, OH 45817

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