Trinity Evangelical Lutheran to hold Christmas Day service

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 301 North Main Street, Jenera, will hold a special 9:30 a.m. service on Christmas Day.

The theme is: God Gives Himself to Us.  The Readings are: Exodus 33, Romans 8:31-32, and John 1. The hymns are: "O Come, All Ye Faithful; Once in Royal David's City, Carol of the Bells; Come, Your Hearts and Voice Raising; O Jesus Christ, Your Manger is; From Heav'n Above to Earth I Come; and Go, Tell it on the Mountain. The Choir will sing "Carol of the Bells" accompanied by the Handbell Choir.

Everyone is welcome and the church is handicapped accessible. The service will be livestreamed and archived at  More information is available at or by calling 419-326-4685.

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