All Bluffton Icon News

This week's Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce e-mailed newsletter is now available to Icon viewers.

The newsletter tells about the Sept. 22 business showcase, provide information about this year's Blaze of Lights, downtown snowflake sponsorship, September chamber breakfast details and has a September calendar of chamber-related events.

The chamber has 143 member. Membership information is avilable at the chamber's website:

Area businesses' best opportunity to introduce themselves to Bluffton University students is Thursday, Sept. 22. This year's Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce business-university showcase takes place in Marbeck Center from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. that day.

Based on previous showcases up to 25 businesses are expected to participate. Registered businesses will have a table provided. Businesses may provide hand-outs to students and may have separate drawings for prizes during the event. No food giveaways are permitted, but businesses may give away candy.

90 flaps per second

This little Bluffton bird can disappear in a blink of an eye. This is a female ruby-throated hummingbird. Click here for more views.

The Bluffton Senior Center is having a half-price plant sale. All plants are on sale now until Aug. 31. Stop in and see the wide selection. Also on sale are used DVDs, VHS tapes and puzzles. Business hours are Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Ready for some football? The Icon is ready. This year we offer viewers two weekly contests. One features high school games; the second features college games.

Viewers may enter one or both contests. Entering is simple: Pick your teams and hit send. All entries are e-mailed directly to our judge, Corey Greer. This way, viewers from across the United States, or the world for that matter, may play.

We ask that viewers enter their names only once each week in each contest. Viewers may enter additional times each week by using other person's names.

For a time, The Icon considered the ruby-throated hummingbird as its mascot. These are fiesty little creatures and fun to watch.

It's taken several years to attract backyard hummingbirds at 226 Grove St. But the wait was worth it.

The birds are very territorial. That means when two males get together there are lots of aerial bombardments and chases through the yard. Although small, they make lots of chattering noise. Even Ike, the Icon dog, listens and watches the show.
