A former Bluffton man was indicted by an Allen County Grand Jury after he filed an insurance claim alleging fire damage and loss, according to the Bluffton Police Department.
Justin R. Fout, formerly of North Main Street, filed an insurance claim related to a fire in the 500 block of North Main Street on Dec. 29, 2010. The fire destroyed a mobile home and caused minor damage to a business property next door.
The fire cause was ruled undetermined, but no suspicious activity was suspected.
Any Bluffton student who will be entering the 7th grade this fall is required to have a Tdap booster vaccination (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) prior to the start of the 2011-12 school year.
The TDAP shot is a booster to the shot students receive before entering Kindergarten.
Verification of the Tdap booster shot must be dropped off, mailed, or faxed (419) 358-4871 to the Bluffton Middle School office prior to Aug. 29.
Contact the Allen County Health Department (419) 228-4457 to set up an appointment or your family physician.
Single-event tickets are now on sale for the 2011-12 Bluffton University Artist Series, featuring The Four Freshmen and The Ohio State University Flute Troupe, as well as the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin, the Pridonoff Piano Duo and juggler-comedian Mark Nizer.
Tickets can be purchased on the Web, at http://tickets.bluffton.edu, or by calling the box office at 419-358-3239.
It will be easier to contact Bluffton school personnel via e-mail this year. The school switched from the difficult to type and remember "bf.noacsc.org" to "blufftonschools.org."
Mardy Herr, technical director of the schools, told The Icon that the school switched its domain name this summer.
"The old addresses will forward email from the old system until the end of September 2011. After that the new system will "alias" the old. That means that any emails sent to the old addresses will still show up in the new system," he said.