All Bluffton Icon News

The Mennonite Memorial Home will have an outing to the Allen County Fair on Thursday, Aug. 25. That day is senior citizens day and several residents will visit the fairgrounds.

The Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio Service Group will hold a silent auction during the Saturday, Sept. 24 fall festival evet.

The auction features handcrafted items donated by community members. Persons with items to donate may contact Mary Ann Ring at 419-358-1015.

Auction items will be on display and open for bidding in the Mennonite Memorial Home lobby from Sept. 19 to Sept. 24.

All funds received from the auction assists The Service Group of MHCO.


Kathleen Mikkelsen of Mennonite Memorial Home provided this classic photo to The Icon. It shows Ralph Diller, operator of Brilliant Bronze gasoline station, a product of Johnson Oil Co. The photo was taken between 1938-40.

The station was located on the site of today's Bluffton Dari Freeze at the corner of South Main and Bentley.

There are several items to examiine in this photo. The price of gas is 10 cents, 5 cents for tax, totalling 15 cents (per gallon?). Notice the "contains lead" labels.

Here's a Miami County plate The Icon spotted on the Bluffton University campus. Any ideas to it's meaning?

Bill King

William P. "Bill" King, 74, died at 2:02 p.m. July 31, 2011, at St. Rita's Medical Center. He was born on April 26, 1937, in Lafayette, to Ben P. and Susan E. Baber King, who preceded him in death. On June 17, 1956, he married Jo Ann Nichols, who survives in Bluffton.

Elvira Tatarkov of Bluffton, student of Anna Stembler-Smith, will perform a piano recital at 1 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 6, in Yoder Recital Hall, Bluffton University.

She will be performing music by Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Faure. The recital is free and open to public.
