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In the mood for a mystery? Then Monday's Bluffton Public Library movie with a novel destination is just for you. Monday's 2 p.m. movie title has not been announced by the library staff. The only thing known is that it's a "Mystery destination." The movie is free and open to the public.

The Bluffton Cattle Club and the Beaverdam Bunch 4-H clubs will hold a chicken barbecue from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday at the Bluffton Middle School cafetorium. Both eat-in or carry-out is available. Tickets are $7.50 each. The proceeds will help support the Jr. Fair livestock auction.

John Gilbert

John W. Gilbert, 95 died at 9:03 a.m. July 22, 2011 at Blanchard Valley Hospital, Findlay. He was born Sept. 5, 1915 in Orange Township, Hancock County, Ohio to Melvin Leo and Nellie Gail (Beagle) Gilbert. On April 28, 1940 he married Ruth V. Cunningham and she died Feb. 6, 2007.

He was a farmer in Hancock County until 1950. He had worked at Triplett Electrical Instrument Company, Bluffton where he was a plant manager. He also worked for Breece and Yeasel in Jackson Center, Ohio and in 1976 incorporated his own molding business known as Associated Plastics in Pandora.


Always cover your nose before sliding into the Bluffton pool. No matter how you do it, the pool's water slide is a great way to beat the heat.

One of Bluffton's oldest summer traditions, which dates back to the 1920s, community vacation Bible school, starts on Sunday evening.

This year's VBS is held at Emmanuel United Church of Christ, 8375 Phillips Road. This year's VBS theme is "Inside Out and Upside Down on Main Street."

VBS is open to any elementary-aged youth in the community. VBS takes place Sunday, July 24 through Thursday, July 28. Each session starts at 6:30 p.m.

Two August meetings of the Bluffton Lions Club are scheduled.

Aug. 2 - Londel Smith, Lima city recreation director and teacher at Rhodes State will present the topic "Just Call it Crazy."

Aug. 16 - District Governor Barbara Plaugher will present a power point on Lionism for 2011-2012.

The meetings are held at noon at Maple Crest.

Bluffton Icon viewers may now access this month's Bluffton Lions newsletter. It is an attachment at the bottom of this story.
