With over 100 photo submissions, Bluffton Public Library's first amateur photo contest was a great success, but the contest isn't over yet.
Stop by the library on Saturday, Aug. 6, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to vote for your favorite photo. Drawings for a free specialty drink at Common Grounds will be held every 15 minutes. First, second and third place winners will be announced at 11 a.m. Another 24 lucky contest participants will win tickets to exciting places to visit and experience.
Bluffton Police responded to an alarm at the Marathon station at 205 S. Main St. on July 25, according to Matt Oglesbee, Bluffton police sergeant. While the thief was not captured in person, he was captured on the store video camera.
Oglesbee told The Icon that officers discovered a window on the front door had been broken and the business had been entered. The owner of the business reported several items had been taken during the break in.
A security video from the business reveals an unidentified white male entering the building through the broken window.
The Icon is cooperating with Dan Fultz, member of the Bluffton University faculty, in a video-sharing project. This spring students in one of Fultz's classes created several videos on various topics. The icon will air several of these videos.
Here is a video featuring Bluffton University student Shahad Aldoori from Iraq. This story was produced by a Bluffton University student through coursework in the Broadcast & Journalism program and originally appeared at BlufftonConnection.com
Note: The attachment is located at the bottom of this story.
The attachment contains a copy of a letter addressed to Eric Fulcomer, President of the Bluffton Village Council dated March 3, 2011; a letter in response dated March 25, 2011 to Elfrieda Ramseyer from President Fulcomer and the official petition presented to the Bluffton Village Council through the Utility Committee composed of Dave Steiner and Jerry Cupples on Monday, June 13, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
Note: With this column The Icon introduces a new photo feature. Eight photos may be viewed easily with this story. Simply click on the top photo and watch the show.
Give a child some soap, water, a bucket and rag and the next thing you know the house is clean. Well, in this case, the children are in the summer day care program at Hilty Memorial Home, Pandora.
Their task - or assignment - eariler this week was simple: scrub down some of the Hilty's senior residents wheel chairs and walkers. When the job is completed, dry them.
The Freed Center for the Performing Arts announces its 21st season. The 2011-2012 season once again provides "something for everyone."
Located on the Ohio Northern University campus, Ada, the Freed Center offers a wide variety of arts and entertainment throughout the year. Headliners in many different genres are always a highlight.