All Bluffton Icon News

Teri Sato

Bluffton youngsters in the Bluffton Public Library summer reading program celebrated the Japanese "Tanabata" star festival on July 13. In Japan, the event is July 7, according to Teri Sato, who helped coordinate the event at the library.

During "Tanabata" children will write wishes on strips of colorful papers and hang them on bamboo trees, which are to be put outside at night under the stars so the stars will make the wishes come true.

Dave " Crackerjack" Kisor, Bruce "Bruiser" Steingass, Devin "Paydirt" Kisor, Joel "Rod" Groman, Andy "Fingers" Chappell-Dick, Dennis "Numbers" Gallant, "Professor" Dave Bracy Back Row: "Dangerous" Dan Groman, Logan "Long Ball" Steingass, Clay "Off the Wall" Wannemacher, David "Rip" Glick, Justin "Scooter" Shannon, Evan "Twinkletoes" Skilliter, Todd "T-Bone" Phillips, Steve "No Muff" Yarnell

Submitted by "Dangerous" Dan Groman, Icon base ball reporter
The Shannon Sodbusters base ball team gathered at the Bluffton village park following the Bluffton sesquicentennial parade on July 2.

In 1860, the village was still known as Shannon, and the rules were put together for a new sport known as base ball.

With temperatures in the 90s, and with clear skies, a light breeze brought a lttle relief from the afternoon heat.

A memorial service for Lynn E. Carmack, 77, of Perry Twp., Massillon, who died on May 7, 2011, will be held Saturday, July 23, at 11 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church, Bluffton. A Masonic memorial service to which the public is invited will be held in the church that same morning at 10:15 a.m.

Mr. Carmack was born Dec.19, 1933, in Findlay to the late George and Edna (Messer) Carmack and was raised in Bluffton.

The Pandora Village Council met in Regular Session on Tuesday, June 28, 2011, at 7:00 PM with Mayor, John Schlumbohm, presiding.

Members Present: Painter, Fricke, Hall, Stall, BlankMembers Absent: Vance

The meeting was opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion was made by Mr. Painter, seconded by Mr. Hall to approve the June 14, 2011 Minutes. Voting: All Yea.

Bills: $72,721

Payroll: $12,781

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke, seconded by Mr. Hall to approve the bills as presented. Voting: All Yea.

Due to some funding and staff reductions, the Allen County Health Department has adjusted some of the clinic times and services for the public.

Updated clinic schedules and information are outlined below.

The Icon spotted this 1950 Ohio license plate at the Lions' Festival of Wheels. In 1950 the inflation rate was 1.09%, the average cost of a new house was $8,450, the average wage was $3,210.

The cost of a gallon of gas was 18 cents. The average cost of a new car was $1,500. A black and white television cost $249.
