The word we had trouble spelling and pronouncing - "sesquicentennial" - is now history.
Before it fades from the Icon's home page, we'd like to reflect on it. Here's a thought: let's take the best from our sesquicentennial and keep the momentum going.
For example:
1 - The concept of an outdoor band concert on the Presbyterian Church lawn. Could we schedule a different band one night a week during the summer? Bring our lawn chairs; maybe have a snow cone machine. Imagine the possibilities.
This year's Maple Crest hobby show is Thursday, July 14, from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Patio Room at Maple Crest Senior Living Village in Bluffton.
The community is invited to Maple Crest, which is handicap accessible, to browse through the hobbies and collections of the residents. Some residents may be present with their displays and can answer questions specific to their hobbies, others will be marked with descriptive information cards.
Mary Ann Jordan has her photo taken in front of Bluffton's official sesquicentennial quilt. It was unveiled Friday at the town hall. It will be on permanent display in the town hall. Click for a video.
It all ends Saturday. Bluffton's celebration of its 150th anniversary as an incorporated village concludes with a day full of activities.
Here's Saturday's schedule:
o 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Pork barbecue lunch, Presbyterian Church lawn. Side dishes are cheesy potatoes, green beans and a roll. Tickets are $7 and may be purchased on Saturday. Carry out or eat in.
o Noon - Sesquicentennial parade line up, East College near Railroad Street
o Noon - Bluffton High School class of 1946 65th reunion