Stratton Auto Sales and Main Street Rentals, 220 N. Main St., Bluffton, has a summer time cool sale now through July 31. Recharge your vehicle's air conditioning for $39.95 (Freon is extra).
A coupon for this offer is in a printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story, or by clicking on the Icon Coupon page.
This sign was spotted in Roger and Sandy Hoffman front yard on Geiger Street for Bluffton's sesquicentennial celebration, which began over the June 24 weekend.
The sign even has some history as Roger mentioned that this sign was originally purchased from Fultz's Sign Co. back in 1986 for Bluffton's 125th Birthday.
Area teachers have just one month left to apply for a McDonald's MAC Grant, which offers financial support to help teachers Make Activities Count for their students.
MAC Grant applications for grants of up to $400 for teachers in kindergarten through eighth grade must be submitted by July 31, 2011.