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Bluffton Public Library

"Medicare 101" presented by Allen County Council on Aging at Bluffton Public Library

Wondering what you need to know about Medicare before you sign up? Gerry Burton, Senior Services Resource Specialist will present Medicare 101 on March 5 at 5:30 p.m. at the Bluffton Public Library. There will be time for questions after the presentation and participants can find out about other services the Allen County Council on Aging offers as well!

Please register by February 28 at the library, or by calling 419-358-5016.

100 new children's books

Gift to public library from Brownstone Book Fund

The Bluffton Public Library has received a gift of 100 new children’s books, ranging from pre-kindergarten through early readers, according to Jessica Hermiller, library director. 

These books were a donation from the Brownstone Book Fund, a private foundation in New York City, interested in fostering early reading, a love of books, and encouraging parents and children to read together.

Here's the February library calendar

There's something happening each day in February at the Bluffton Public LIbrary. Here's the calendar. Click on it to enlarge.

Winter book challenge, art workshop, hot tea Tuesdays

All part of February at the library

Bluffton Public Library is busy in February.

The library is hosting a NORWELD Dremel 3D printer for this month, for patrons to use. If you've never seen a 3D printer or what they are capable of, then stop by for a demonstration. Patrons are welcome to bring a flash drive with a pre-formatted file to print or choose from the selection of items available on the printer. Suggested donations are 50-cents per hour of requested print to help cover the cost of the filament.

Paint a leaf and lose your cabin fever

Library offers fall leaf painting class on Thursday

Bluffton Public Library offers its next Janette Reineke art workshop on Thursday, and registration is due on Monday.

The workshop is "Fall Leaf Painting in Winter." The class is held at 6 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 31, at the library.

In this class, Janette will teach methods of blending colors to recreate the natural beauty of fall leaves.

Participants will use acrylic paint. Leaves will be provided for inspiration. The class is for adults. It has a $10 cash supply fee payable Thursday. Register by Monday, Jan. 28 at Bluffton Public Library. 

Next book discussion Feb. 6 at library

February's book: "At Home: A Short History of Private Life” by Bill Bryson

Bluffton Public Library’s adult book discussion group’s focus in February is “At Home: A Short History of Private Life,” by Bill Bryson.

The book discussion, open to the public, is at noon, Wednesday, Feb. 6, in the library. The monthly discussion group is open to new members and registration is suggested. The group meets the first Wednesday of every month, and occasionally has the author visit via Skype. 
