Bluffton University

Dr. Cynthia Bandish, English and language department chair at Bluffton University, will present the Colloquium, “Coin Tricks: Economic Forces in Neil Gaiman’s Novels,” at 4 p.m. on Sept. 7 in Centennial Hall’s Stutzman Lecture Hall. 

Gaiman’s fantasy novels draw from fairy tales and mythologies “to create new stories of human interactions with other worldly beings,” said Bandish.

Arts and events calendar

Here's the September arts and events calendar from Bluffton University. Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

Sept. 7 Colloquium: “Coin Tricks: Economic Forces in Neil Gaiman’s Novel,” Friday Colloquium by Cynthia Bandish, Ph.D., professor of English, 4 p.m., Stutzman Lecture Hall

Sept. 16 Art Reception: Reception for art exhibit “Reconstruction,” by John Sousa, 1-3 p.m., Grace Albrecht Gallery, Sauder Visual Arts Center

"Talk, listen to others and share a meal"

In an era when many people with opposing viewpoints figuratively retreat to opposite corners of a boxing ring when conflicts arise, author and counselor Jonas Beiler urged first-year students at Bluffton University to instead talk, listen to others and share a meal.

“Be brave enough to have tough conversations,” urged Beiler. “God forgives, and since we are made in the likeness of God we need to forgive as well.”

From Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

Bluffton University was recently named one of 46 providers from across the country to receive accreditation for their educator preparation programs.

Computer-compiled photo images at Albrecht Gallery

Bluffton University’s Grace Albrecht Gallery will host “Reconstruction” by John Sousa.
The series features computer-compiled photographic images printed with UV-cured inks over a textured surface of paint and collage fragments. Sousa examines the concept of pareidolia, a phenomenon in which one perceives meaning in abstract stimuli—for example seeing images in cloud-filled sky.

Jonas Beiler's convo welcomes the university class of 2022

Jonas Beiler, an author and licensed family counselor, will be the featured speaker at 10:45 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 28 in Sommer Center for Health and Fitness Education as Bluffton University welcomes the class of 2022 during its annual Opening Convocation.
Beiler is the author of “Think No Evil: Inside the Story of the Amish Schoolhouse Shooting… and Beyond.” The book serves as this year’s summer reading for first-year Bluffton students.
