
We will be conducting private family calling and services with option of complimentary webcasting or video recording of services

Message from Jon Kinn and staff at
Chiles-Laman Funeral & Cremation Services

These are definitely unprecedented times for all of us.

Chiles-Laman’s priority is the health and safety of our families, our community, and our staff.

We are still operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week making certain that those entrusted to our care and the families we serve are receiving the best possible services, regardless of the cause of death. Serving our communities with their loss is our privilege and honor.

Reasons to believe long-term outlook remains positive

Market Matters from
Steiner and Granger Insurance
and Financial Services
141 N. Main St., Bluffton

- Open the special updated five-page attachment at the bottom of this story -

• We are likely entering a severe, but perhaps short-lived recession.

• The length of the recession depends largely on fiscal stimulus and containing the COVID-19 outbreak. Federal and state governments are working on such measures.

Deemed an "essential" business by State of Ohio

Notice from Family True Value Hardware
Ohio has issued an order for all citizens to “shelter in place,” except those in essential jobs.

Hardware store are listed as essential businesses, meaning that Family True Value Hardware, 109 N. Main St., Bluffton, will remain open during the coronavirus shutdown, according to Jim Basiner, owner.

"We can fully service your accounts electronically"

Message from Steiner and Granger Insurance and Financial Services,
141 N. Main St., Bluffton

We are working remotely due to the governor's COVID-19 recommendations.

We are grateful that today's technology allows us to fully service your accounts electronically.

Working remotely and answering your calls

Message from Fortman Insurance Services, 115 N. Main St., Bluffton

Given Ohio Governor Mike DeWine's recommendation to suspend business due to the Coronavirus pandemic, our offices will be closed.  

We are, however, working on setting up employees to work from home, so please bear with us, as this may take some time. 

We will be working remotely and have limited access from home.  We will be responding to phone calls and emails as best as we can.  We thank you for your patience during this time.

Business open via phone, e-mail, texting, additional details in this story

The following notice is from John Wagner Agency, Nationwide Insurance, 105 N. Main St., Bluffton

Effective Monday – March 23 – We are an essential services operation and I will be here each business day to serve you. However, due to guidelines established by the Ohio Department of Health, I must close my office to all foot traffic.

We are fully capable to take care of your insurance needs, but a little different than you may be used to. I am able to take payments by any method you wish, over the phone. 
