
Update from Joan Frederick from Polished and Boutique 415
Polished is closed. But, we are keeping  Boutique415 open. Small hours. Call us at 419-358-0001 and check out our Facebook page.

CLICK HERE for the complete list of Bluffton stores - 
cooperative updates from the Icon and Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce

A note from Mandy Kinn of Spectrum Salon:
We are staying in contact with our clients, and as soon as we re-open, we will be working to re-schedule every client's appointment. Check our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates. 

Remember why you are investing

By Brandon Blackford,
Edward Jones financial advisor

These are challenging times.

Like everyone, you are concerned about keeping your family safe and healthy, and you’re doing your part to help protect your community from the effects of the coronavirus.

And if you’re an investor, you must also address your financial situation. How should you respond to the current market volatility and recent declines in investment prices?


The health and safety of our customers and staff at the Bluffton Public Library is a top priority, therefore the library has made the difficult decision to close from March 17, 2020 through at least April 6.  

We ask that all patrons with library materials currently checked out keep the items at home rather than return them. 


Per the Governor, Polished and Boutique 415 will be closed effective at the end of business on March 18.

"Please continue to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for any updates and an occasional video. We hope to be able to open our doors April 1.(no joke)," said  Joan Frederick and her staff.

Icon encourages support of local businesses • Here's our survey of who is open and what you need to know

Note: This story is being updated continually.

Is your business open? Do you deliver? Do you have carry-out? What are your special circumstances at the moment?

The Icon surveyed as many Main Street businesses as we could reach. Here's what we found.

CLICK HERE to access the Icon's Advertiser Index -
It lists business' Facebook, phone numbers and websites.
