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Game review: Prince of Persia - not overly difficult, but rarely easy

By André Swartley

Issue #22
Prince of Persia
Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platform: PC, PS3, Xbox 360
Rating: T for Teen

The original Prince of Persia appeared on home computers in 1989. It was designed to be a brief game, with an hour~Ac^a'not^a"cs time limit imposed on the player from the beginning. Current ~Ac^a'notA"speed runs~Ac^a'not^A


From trike to trike, coming full circle

Technically, we own three cars. All three are paid off. Each one has at least 130,000 miles on it. Oddly, each one looks much younger than its age and mileage might suggest -- especially considering that for the most part, they have lived their lives outside our garage. Today one lives in Cincinnati, one in Kent, and one in Bluffton.


Vie gehts?

When one grows up surrounded by relatives speaking their native (non-English) language, the tendency is to pick up at least a few words and phrases that become a part of one's own vocabulary. In the case of my husband and me, that language is Swiss.

Don't bother trying to tell me there is no Swiss language because having come from a long, long line of Swiss-speaking relatives, that simply won't fly. It is not German. It is Swiss.


Game review: Final Fantasy XIII is a grand slam

By Andr'e Swartley

Issue #21
Final Fantasy XIII
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
Platform: Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Rating: T for Teen

For other Andre Swartley games reviews click here.


Nancy's Legacy

Nancy Badertscher would be the first to say that she lived a full life. What she wouldn't say was how painful that life was. She chose instead to live with a smile on her face and a lilt in her friendly greeting.

Diagnosed at a young age with a rare disease, Nancy wasn't expected to live much beyond her teens, let alone into her 40s. Once in an interview, she reflected on that time in her life. What I remember is that she and her family didn't let that stop them from hoping and holding on to a faith that only strengthened as Nancy continued to defie the odds.


Our game reviewer gives Metal Gear Solid a B+

By Andr'e Swartley

Issue #20
Metal Gear Solid
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Platform: PC, Playstation 1, Playstation Network
Rating: M for Mature

Note: today's review contains minor spoilers about the Metal Gear series.

