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Historical Bluffton

Who was your bus driver in 1964?

Here are the Bluffton school bus drivers in the 1963-64 school year. From left, Raymond Powell, Emil White (also the BHS art teacher), Wayne Zimmerman,  ______ Hicks, Rev. ________ Warren.

Viewers: Help us out with filling in missing first names.

Main Street Bluffton 1958-59

Did you know that in 1958-59 there was a hotel on the second floor of what is today Reichenbach Steiner CPA?

That's where the "Hotel" sign hangs in this Main Street photo from six decades ago.

We'll allow your mind to wonder up and down Main Street as you check out this photo.

It looks like a 1955 Mercury is parked along the street. We'll consider that every vehicle in the photo was a V-8 lead-gas-only gas gussler.

2 photos worth 10,000 Bluffton words

Note: The Icon posted these two photo in past Decembers, but they are worthy of a re-post. Dennis Morrison shared the photos originally with the Icon.

It's December in downtown Bluffton in the early 1950s. There's Santa with a Santa Halloween mask stepping up to meet kids. In the next photo Bob Crow and Paul Steiner hold the PA system as Santa talks with kids.

Resident advisors 1977-78

Here are the Bluffton College resident advisors during the 1977-78 academic year.

Standing from left, Laura Becker, Kathy Gundy, Steve Steiner, Jeff Boehr, Sharon Prill, Jim Boyles, Dennis Mumaw and Dave Voth.

Seated from left, Laurie Diller, Ann Campati, Tom Engle, Kim Atkinson, Mike Heimann and Debbie Dermen.

The old Cherry Street bridge

Do you remember this bridge? It dated back to the early 1900s. It crossed the Riley on Cherry Street and was replaced in the early 2000s by the current bridge.

1962-63 Bluffton school board

Here is the Bluffton school board during the 1962-63 school year. Seated from left, Woodrow Little, Robert Barnett, Paul Steiner, Wade Huber, Arden Baker and Dr. Howard Shelly. Standing is A.B. Murray, superintendent.
