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Historical Bluffton

57 soybean harvest ago

Members of the Bluffton High School Future Farmers of America (FFA), during the 1962-63 school year.

Front from left, Gene Balmer, Jim Dillman, Tom Bogart, Larry Mast, Richard Herr, Paul Kloeppel and Jack Kibele.

Standing from left, Ken Bucher, Gary Zimmerman, Ron Steiner, Joe Steiner, Jim Motter, Richard Bucher, Marvin Augsburger, Roy Schmutz, Dave Montgomery, Dennis Swank and Jack Reichenbach.

Elementary staff mid-1950s

For most Bluffton students who attended the elementary school in the mid-to-late 1950s, this was the staff. Names of the staf members are under the photo.

A half century and more ago

Here's members of Mrs. Ropp's sixth grade Bluffton class - it's the graduating class of 1964. Names of class members are in the photo.

Can you identify this location?

This is a tough one for those under, say 55. It's a construction photograph of a Bluffton swimming pool that no longer exists.

The year is 1955 or '56. Paul Diller, father of Jim Diller, took this photo, originally as a color slide. Jim is in the process of transferring the slide into a easiler to view format.

We believe that Jim Benroth, brother of Gene and Bob, is the man watching the work on the far right, in the teal colored shirt.

BHS class of 1964 - first and second graders

Here's Mrs. Murray's first grade class with members of the Bluffton HS class of 1964. The next photo is Miss Oyer's second grader class with members of the class of 1964.

95 football seasons ago at Bluffton College

Here's the Bluffton College football team during the 1925 season. With only four games, the schedule appears overpowering: Ohio Northern University, Findlay, Bowling Green and Defiance.

While Bluffton did not win a game, they stayed very close to each opponent, losing only by 15 points at its widest margin of loss.
