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Iconoclast View

Here's the answer

So, you think you know Bluffton. The image of the lamp of knowledge is high above Main Street on the Bluffton High School building.


So, you think you know Bluffton

So, you think you know Bluffton. Okay, where will you find this lamp of knowledge? Answer on Wednesday.


Write a caption - winner receives Shannon Theatre passes

The Icon took this photo on Saturday in front of the farmers' market. 

Write a caption for this photo. The winner will receive four passes to the Shannon Theatre. The entry deadline is 5 p.m., Thursday, July 2.

Send entries to: Caption contest, [email protected].

Last week's winner:
Gary Wetherill is last week's winner. His entry to the photo below reads: "I gotta start mowing more often." Gary wins four passes to the Shannon Theatre.


Winning caption: "I gotta start mowing more often."

Gary Wetherill is the winner of our recent "Write a caption contest." His entry reads: "I gotta start mowing more often." Gary wins four passes to the Shannon Theatre.

Honorable mention, goes to:
• Greg Ring: Make hay while the sun is shining and the tractor is running."
* Duane Bollenbacher: "It's going to take me all day to round up all these little boogers!!"

The Icon took this photo on Saturday in front of the farmers' market. 


And the location answer is below

We thought this might be a tough one. It turned out so-so, as a couple viewers responded correctly. This is a window on Neufeld residence hall at Bluffton University.

Check the photo below for a larger view.


So, you think you know Bluffton

So, you think you know Bluffton? Okay, where will you find this? Only hint: It's on a large structure. Answer on Thursday,

