The only memory I have from Kindergarten was the morning I arrived to find that the classroom door was already closed. This obviously meant that I could not go in and maybe even meant that school had been cancelled, so I headed home. - Roger Triplett
This is a sample of the content of "Blufton Anthology - A creek runs through it." Pre-sale discounted copies are now available for $19.95 plus tax. Click here for an order blank.
"All these years later, I still remember the dread I felt before taking the quarry test. This wasn't a written exam, and it had nothing to do with school. It was a rite of passage for any Bluffton kid from around the mid-1950s to the early-1990s who wanted to earn the right to swim in the Buckeye." - Rick Ramseyer
The following is a sample of the content of "Blufton Anthology - A creek runs through it." Pre-sale discounted copies are now available for $19.95 plus tax. Click here for an order blank.
The first time I saw James Bond was in the Carma Theatre with a bunch of the boys…Kent Kinsinger, John Lehman, probably Max Eastman. Maybe Larry Eikenbary. We were, I believe, freshmen on bicycles.
100 years ago today. The 19th amendment guaranteed all American women the right to vote.
Somewhere in a collection of family photos is a 1920 snapshot of my Hahn grandparents, Bertha and Fred, standing in front of their home at 216 W. Elm St., Bluffton.
I know it was 1920 because taped to the window behind them was a Harding for president poster. I never felt the significance of the snapshot recently – today in fact, in really struck home.