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Iconoclast View

An Icon Opinion:

Joining United Way of Greater Lima is our best alternative

AN ICON OPINION - No, it’s not the end of Bluffton as we know it.

You’ve read that the Bluffton-Beaverdam-Richland Township United Way board decided to join the United Way of Greater Lima.

CLICK HERE for that story.

Before we hear, “How can this happen!” please know that it is not the end of Bluffton as we now know it.


Write a caption - winner receives Shannon Theatre passes

The Icon took this photo at the Bluffton University Nature Preserve on Friday. Write a caption for this photo. The best caption wins 4 passes to the Shannon Theatre.

Deadline to enter is 5 p.m., Thursday, June 25. Send entries to: Caption Contest in care of [email protected].


1908 Bluffton "love" letter postcard

We feel for Lewis S., who may have lived in Bluffton over a century ago.

In late March of 1908 he penned this postcard note to a Miss Lizzy Poffendick of Columbus.

The note reads:
“Why not answer my letter. Are you angry at me. If you are just let me know. I have been up here since Saturday and will stay two or three more days.
Best regards
Lewis S.”

The postmark reads:
Bluffton, Ohio,
Mar 23 (March)
4 p.m.

It was received in Columbus the next morning at 8 a.m. 


Where is it? Check below

We asked viewers to identify this scene in Bluffton. Well, it turned out to be a tough one. The answer is below. It's the entrance to the Bluffton University football stadium.


So, you think you know Bluffton

So, you think you know Bluffton.

Last week's photo showing the entrance to Maple Grove Cemetery was a easy catch. This photo bring it up a notch or two. Hint? Well, it's an entrance to something in the vilage. 

Watch the Icon on Wednesday for the answer.


Winning caption: Hey Mom! Did you look both ways before crossing?

Teresa Zimmerly came up with, "Hey Mom! Did you look both ways before crossing?" to win the recent Icon write a caption contest.

This contest had over 30 entries, and the competition was tough. Teresa wins five passes to the Shannon Theatre. 

Watch for our next caption contest coming very soon.

