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Iconoclast View

Don Herr's interview gives us a glimpse of farming in the 1940s

The life-long Bluffton resident died May 3 at the age of 90

Don Herr, who died at the age of 90 on May 3, 2020, will be remembered in many ways in this community. CLICK HERE to read his obituary.

His family remember him as son, brother, husband, father, uncle, grandfather and friend, saying that Don was an exceptional role model to his children, sharing his love of wood working and carpentry skills; and helping in the building of each child’s home.  


Here's a tip from the Icons and Ohio News Media Association

Here's a tip from the Icons and the Ohio News Media Association.


Poll shows most Icon viewers staying at home

Most viewers in the recent Icon poll have primarily come into contact only with immediate household members in April. Here's the results of the poll.

Our newest poll asks parents of Kindergarteners through fifth graders: "How has your child or children adapted to learning at home?" Take the poll by clicking here, or going to the bottom, right side of the home page.


Here's a tip from the Icons and Ohio News Media Association

Here's a tip from the Icons and the Ohio News Media Association


Winning entry: Where's "my" mask?

Ben Kruse, formerly of Bluffton, and now of Raleigh, North Carolina, hasn't seen a snowman in many winters.

However his suggestion for the Icon's write a caption for this photo, give us the feelilng he's made a snowman or two in his lifetime.

His winning entry is: "Where's my mask?" It's a timely caption for an out-of-season snowman/person.

Since our contest does not provide home delivery of the Padrone's Pizza, he suggests we give the coupon to his mother, Paula Kruse of Bluffton.


Most viewers in recent Icon poll voted absentee after March 17

Icon poll shows most viewers voted absentee after March 17. Take the newest poll - how many people have you come into contact with closer than 6 feet during April. Click here to take the poll or go to the bottom right column of the home page.

