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Letter: Isn't it time?

Isn’t it time:

To seek solutions rather than blame!

To seek progress over revenge!

To seek truth over fear!

To seek policies over party politics and personalities!

To seek to govern from the middle where compromise is possible rather than from the edges where there is no hope!

To seek to believe in a constitution that has been in effect for 235 years.


Letter: 2024 Bluffton Beautification invitation

The letter and response form are HERE.

The flowerpots on Bluffton’s Main Street receive tremendous support from our community.  People from other communities are always amazed when they find out how this program works. Thank YOU for making downtown Bluffton such a beautiful place to shop, eat and play.


Letter: Urge Congress to keep VOCA funded at current levels

Each year Crime Victim Services provides advocacy and services to over 4,500 individuals affected by crime and victimization in Allen and Putnam Counties through a range of programs. Our services rely heavily on federal, state and local funding to ensure victims receive quality services at no cost. Continued cuts to federal funding, however, are putting these services at risk, and we need our community’s support to keep necessary funding secure.  


Letter: 2023 Holiday greeting from Mayor Johnson

To my fellow Bluffton residents:

The holidays are fast approaching and I would like to take a moment to thank each and every one for your patience and kindness as we dealt with many projects in Bluffton. 


Letter from the family of Elijah Jones

From the family of Elijah Jones:

On May 29, 2007, our family received the most wonderful gift in Eli, but that gift wasn’t ours to keep. We are certain that on December 5, 2023, Eli went home to be with God. We believe that Eli’s great faith is being used for great things in Heaven. His light will be missed, and he will live forever in our hearts.


Letter: Here's what the Bluffton Food Pantry needs

Bluffton Food Pantry volunteer Nancy Yeager get questions. What does the pantry need? Here's her answer for November 2023.

The supplies for the Food Pantry have been excellent throughout the summer, but now some help is needed.  The holidays are already bringing in supplies, which is so uplifting. Questions have been asked about what would be helpful to supply the shelves, so here are suggestions.

Personal items:  

  • Soft soaps
  • Lotions
  • Deodorants  (men's and women's)
  • Toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • Toilet paper, paper towels, napkins


  • Hamburger helper
  • Tuna helper 
  • Canned meats and tuna


