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Letter: Methods of Scouting

Letter to the Icon by Marc D. Kogan

Scouting is approaching its 116th anniversary since our founding in England in 1907 and this past February 8 was the 113th birthday of the Boy Scouts of America. The founder of Scouting, Lord Baden Powell, called Scouting a game with a purpose.   


Letter: Thank you to coach Eric Garmatter

On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Bluffton’s Girls Basketball coach Eric Garmatter coached his final  game as a Pirate. He is stepping down after 28 years of coaching basketball and serving the Bluffton community.

He started his career as the JV Boys basketball coach during the 1995-96 season and  took over as Varsity Head Girls Basketball coach in 2011-12. Coach Garmatter finished his head  coaching career with a record of 164-114. Coach Garmatter earned NWC Coach of the Year Honors  for the 2018-19 season, and won a Northwest Conference Title the same year.

Coach Garmatter is  an invaluable member of the Bluffton Athletic Department who conducted himself with dignity and class.

It is with heartfelt gratitude that we say thank you to “Garmey” for the countless lives touched and years of service to Bluffton. We wish him and his family all the best.

Alex Hanna, Athletic Director

Mary Hoffer, Athletic Secretary

Bluffton Exempted Village School District


Note: Dubenion on Buffalo Bills Wall of Honor

In response to our Superbowl Sunday article on Bluffton College standout Elbert Dubenion, Icon reader Ron Geiser shared the attached photo (HERE), noting:

Here is Dobe's name on Buffalo Bills stadium ring of heroes. 

For more details on the Ring of Honor, a.k.a. Wall of Fame, visit Dubenion was inducted to the Wall of Honor in 1993.


Letter: Re-reading a Lima News article on Valentine's Day

My mother, Joanne Niswander, passed away on October 8, 2022. I was fortunate to get all of her journals. I have not been able to look at them yet, but feel so blessed to have them and will start reading them someday soon…. Maybe starting on Valentine’s Day.


Letter: Library trustees express support for reinstallation of traffic signal at Main and College

January 24, 2023 

To Whom It May Concern, 

In light of renewed community concerns about pedestrian safety at the intersection of College Avenue and Main Street, the members of the Bluffton Library Board would like to publicly express our support for a traffic signal at that intersection. We applaud the past efforts of Paula Scott and others who have diligently worked to improve the situation. However, we believe that the return of a traffic signal is the safest solution. On behalf of our patrons and other community members, we fully support any efforts to reinstall a traffic light at this intersection. 

Thank you, 

Members of the Bluffton Library Board 

Robert Beer, President 

Nancy Yeager, Vice President 

Carrie Phillips, Secretary 

Amy Mikesell 

Robert Scott 

Chanda Smith 




Letter from Apollo: Advisory committee

Hello from Apollo Career Center!

Did you know that each high school and adult education career tech program gathers critical information and direction from a group representing business, industry, students and parents?

