Alisha White, a contestant from Illinois, is the winner of the Icon's Oscars Contest. She had 7 out of 8 answers correct. 

The award for Best Picture went to Parasite. This is the first time that an international film has been awarded Best Picture. Parasite also was awarded Best Original Screenplay and Best International Film (this category was not covered in the Icon contest). The director of Parasite, Bong Joon Ho, was awarded Best Director.

Four deer were spotted near Maple Grove Cemetery in a Sunset Drive back yard early this morning, Feb. 13. Here's one of the deer, as the other three faded behind trees. (Mary Pannabecker Steiner photo)

Area veterans attended Four Chaplain Sunday on Feb. 2  at St. John's United Church of Christ. 

Those attending were, front from left, Larry Kempf, George McCune, Dale Huber, Basil Myer and Robert Town. 

Second row from left, Dennis Morrison, John Harris and Fred Rodabaugh.

Third row from left, John Nye, Tom Benroth and Don Dorman, Ottawa Am Vet commander.

Top row from left, Mike Burkholder, John Huffman and Francisco Alasa, Ottawa VFW commander. 




Plans to major in computer science at ONU or Ohio State

Xavier Dunifon, a Bluffton High School senior, is the January BHS student of the month.

He is a member of Spanish Club, likes photography and is creating the senior video for graduation.  He had received the "Photography Student of the Year" award at the recent academic banquet.

He is a member of the BHS track team. In 2019 he was a championship finalist in the 300m hurdles at the state track meet.

This year’s winner will be feted at a banquet on April 21  

The Bluffton Lions Club seeks nominees for the 2019 Citizen of the Year Award.  

The award was established in 1981 to honor a person, couple, or person representing a group, who has selflessly given time, effort, and talent for the benefit of those in the Bluffton area, and whose dedication and achievements have profoundly improved the quality of life of the people in this area.  

The nominee may be living or deceased within the last year. This year’s winner will be feted at a banquet on April 21, 2020.  

The Bluffton Writers Group will now meet at 5:30 p.m. on the second Monday of the month at Maple Crest, Augsburger Road, Bluffton. Victoria Woods-Yee is the leader and contact person of the group. Contact Victoria at [email protected] for more information. New members are welcome.
