
Highest volunteer recognition that a Boy Scout Council can bestow 

Eric Reneker, longtime volunteer in Bluffton Boy Scouts, was one of three persons to receive the Silver Beaver Award on Feb. 8. The award is the highest volunteer recognition that a Boy Scout Council can bestow. 

Reneker  is a member of Bluffton Troop 256 and a longtime Scout volunteer at many levels, and an avid outdoorsman. 

Active in the lives of his children, volunteer is second nature to Eric, having served in activities like dance, tumbling, soccer, softball, swimming, coaching, refereeing, and helping with his daughter’s Girl Scout activities. 

Here are results of Bluffton musicians from Saturday's solo and ensemble contest held at Lima Senior, for both band and strings. David Sycks is the band teacher. Rachael Lewis is the strings teacher. Kara Zink is the vocal teacher.

Superior rating

Patrick Estell, vocal solo, Class A
Ana Neufeld Weaver, vocal solo, Class A 
Ladies Quartet,  vocal ensemble, Class B 
   (composed of Libby Frazier, Jordyn Garmatter, Amy Jebsen, Addy Wright)

Sophia Smucker is the Bluffton Icon's Bluffton High School artist of the month.

The BHS senior has taken many art courses including art 1, Design 1, Design 2, and now Art Seminar.

"After high school I planto attend Goshen College to pursue a major in social work," she said. "I enjoy art as a way to express myself and while doing so, I'm able to spend time with my friends. Art is something that can never bore me."  

Vickie Garmon is the Bluffton High School art teacher.

Alisha White, a contestant from Illinois, is the winner of the Icon's Oscars Contest. She had 7 out of 8 answers correct. 

The award for Best Picture went to Parasite. This is the first time that an international film has been awarded Best Picture. Parasite also was awarded Best Original Screenplay and Best International Film (this category was not covered in the Icon contest). The director of Parasite, Bong Joon Ho, was awarded Best Director.

Four deer were spotted near Maple Grove Cemetery in a Sunset Drive back yard early this morning, Feb. 13. Here's one of the deer, as the other three faded behind trees. (Mary Pannabecker Steiner photo)

Area veterans attended Four Chaplain Sunday on Feb. 2  at St. John's United Church of Christ. 

Those attending were, front from left, Larry Kempf, George McCune, Dale Huber, Basil Myer and Robert Town. 

Second row from left, Dennis Morrison, John Harris and Fred Rodabaugh.

Third row from left, John Nye, Tom Benroth and Don Dorman, Ottawa Am Vet commander.

Top row from left, Mike Burkholder, John Huffman and Francisco Alasa, Ottawa VFW commander. 



