The Bluffton Elementary honor roll for the first quarter of the 2013-14 school year is now on the Icon.

It is an attachment at the bottom of this story.

To view the middle school honor roll click here.

Here's the Bluffton Middle School Honor Roll for the first quarter of 2013-14. To view the elementary honor roll, click here.

All A Honor Roll:
6th Grade:  Olivia Burner, Gabriel Colley, Luke Denecker, Zavier Dunifon, Madison Fleece, Baylor Garmatter, Brinkley Garmatter, Neil Metzger, Ana Neufeld Weaver, Danielle Novak, Grace Paquin, Kaitlynn Rieman, Raina Runk, Libby Schaadt, Maria Spallinger, Harrison Stechschulte, Zachary Taylor

The Bluffton High School student of the month for October l is Joshua Garmatter, son of Scott and Kim Garmatter of Bluffton.

Josh carris a 4.0 grade point average. He is a member of Latin Club, Math Club, SADD Club, Peer Facilitation, Student Senate and is Junior class president.

He also teaches Religious Education for firstgraders at St. Mary's Catholic Church and volunteers for church activities. He is a member of the Bluffton summer swim team. He is in the National Honor Society and has received a Latin II award.  

In all, 299 student musicians, representing 33 area teachers, will be performing in Ribbon Festival, held Saturday, Nov. 23, at Bluffton University’s Mosiman and Yoder recital halls.

"Ribbon Festival is made possible by the Middle West Ohio Music Teachers Association. Ribbon Festival provides the opportunity for a positive performance experience for students of any age or skill leve," said Krysti Schey, of Krysti's Music Studio, Bluffton.  

"Each registered student performs one piece (preferably memorized) in a one-hour time block recital setting," she said.  

How could a 4-year-old Bluffton girl win this year's Bluffton Icon football contest? Well, it's true and false at the same time.

Young Adelyn Althaus is this year's winner. She accumulated 111 points this season and had three weekly wins. Here's the catch, Adelyn's entries were entered in her name by her dad, Andy Althaus.

But, it made for an interesting contest and we wish Adelyn well in future contests.

Here's a listing of all contestants in this year's contest.

Here is Bluffton High School’s first quarter. Honor Roll for 2013-2014:

9th Grade – all A:
Isaac Andreas, Haley Baker, Kayleigh Coughlan, Connor Dawson, Nathan Heinze, Brice Metzger, Zane Myers, Douglas Nester, Marley Runk, Sabrina Shrider, Jayme Siefer, Ana Spiridigliozzi, Megan Sycks, Phillip Tatarkov, Sarah Theisen, Ceandra Thurmond
