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The farm comes to Bluffton Child Development Center

Instead of Bluffton Child Development Center students going to the farm, the farm came to them last week. Members of the Bluffton 4-H Cattle Club visited the Center and shared some of their animals with the children, according to Mary Painter, Center director.

"Our kids had so many questions to ask and the members of the club were very willing to answer them," said Painter. "It was truly an on-hands experience that some children may never have access to."


Dennis Morrison provides Icon with historic You Tube pictorial of Bluffton mayors

Thanks to Dennis Morrison Icon viewers may now watch a short You Tube video that shows photos of every Bluffton, Ohio, mayor.

Morrison, who was active on the Bluffton sesquicentennial committee, created the video prior to the sesquicentennial. During the event gave a lecture on mayors.

To view the Bluffton mayor pictorial click here.


Mennonite Memorial Home now offers private rehab rooms

Rehab room at Mennonite Home

Mennonite Memorial Home announces the addition of private rooms for rehabilitation and recovery after surgery or an extended illness.

These new rehab and recovery rooms are for persons who are looking for a short stay and plan to return to their home.

Mennonite Memorial Home will work with physicians and families to follow a plan of care to get people back to their home as quickly as possible.

Mennonite Memorial Home also works with Northwest Physical Therapy on speech, occupational and physical therapy during individual recoveries.


Angie Sunderland joins Village Cut N Curl staff

Village Cut & Curl, 212 Cherry St., announces that Angie Sunderland has joined its staff. Sunderland has 13 years of experience and loves the new trends in cutting and hair color, according to Lynda Best. She also enjoys men and children cuts. Call 419-358-7593 at Village Cut N Curl for a appointment.


MMH seeks volunteer Mobile Meals driver one day a month

The Mennonite Memorial Home is needing a Mobile Meal driver. This volunteer position is for just one day, on the second Monday of each month.

The Mobile Mealdriver would deliver meals at 11:30 a.m.. Meals are delivered to those living within the village. To volunteer for this position, please contact Mary Ann Ring, Volunteer Coordinator, at 419.358.1015.


Maple Crest residents want to show you their hobbies July 14

More than 15 residents of Maple Crest will show hobbies to the public Thursday, July 14, from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Patio Room at Maple Crest Senior Living Village in Bluffton.

The community is invited to Maple Crest, which is handicap accessible, to browse through the hobbies and collections of the residents.

Some residents may be present with their displays and can answer questions specific to their hobbies, others will be marked with descriptive information cards.

