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Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio unveils plans for $2.1 million Green House capital campaign

The long-term site plan for MHCO's Green House project as developed by PH7 Architects, Columbus. The two houses surrounded in green are the initial houses planned for the project.

You might say that a Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio (MHCO) capital campaign announced at the May 13 Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast breaks the mold in skilled nursing care.

MHCO representatives unveiled plans for a $2.1 million capital campaign during the breakfast attending by over 50 chamber members.


Bluffton Boy Scouts help with food pantry, attend two-day Atomic Energy Camporee at Davis Bessie nuclear power plant

The Scouts from Bluffton Troop 256 had a busy weekend. Part of the Troop headed north to Oak Harbor to attend a two-day Atomic Energy Camporee at the Davis Bessie Nuclear Power Plant, near Lake Erie.

Another group of Scouts from the Troop, along with their family members helped carry and sort food at the Bluffton Food Pantry on Saturday.

The Bluffton Troop 256 had 14 Scouts, three leaders, and one Scout parent attend the Camporee, which had over 180 attendee's, from 15 different Scout Troops from across Ohio and Michigan.


There goes those Bluffton Biking Beavers; Their most recent trip: 50th annual Tour of Scioto River Valley

Gary Habegger in front with Mitch Kingsley following

Four Bluffton University alums, better known as Bluffton Biking Beavers, conquered the 50th annual Tour of Scioto River Valley (TOSRV) earlier this month.

The four bikers are Everett Collier, Mitch Kingley, Wendell Miller all of Bluffton, and Gary Habeger, Bluffton University alum, from Berne, Ind.

This year's 210-mile round-trip tour from Columbus to Portsmouth commemorated the 50th year since 1962 when a father and son decided to make the trip.


Elizabeth Diller April BHS student of the month

Elizabeth Diller, senior, is the Bluffton High School April student of the month. Diller carries a 4.0 grade point average. She is a member of the high school Concert Choir, Show Choir, Band, Math Club, Drama Club, Renaissance Committee, National Honor Society and is an SOS tutor.

In addition, she is a member of the high school girls' tennis team and the summer Bluffton swim team. She has also performed in the District III honors choir. She has taken post-secondary classes at Bluffton University. Elizabeth is a member of the Grace Mennonite, Pandora, youth group.


Litter on County Road 313 gone - thanks to Bluffton Lions Club volunteers

Lions from left, Willis Sommer, Fred Rodabaugh, Daryl Shields, Lowell Hostetler, Sue Shields, Jan Emmert, Morris Groman, Tammy Whitlow, John Rich, Dick Ramseyer, Jerry Szabo and Doug Luginbill

Twelve members of the Bluffton Lions Club complete the spring Adopt-a-Roadway community service project on Saturday morning, May 14, by collecting litter and other debris along County Road 313 between Hancock/Allen County Line and State Route 235.


"The Bluffton Lions twice a year, in the spring and fall, conducts this community service to help keep America beautiful," said Dick Ramseyer.

The Bluffton Lions Club chartered in 1934 by Lions Clubs International and has 80 members.


Taylor Steele and Justin Neufeld Weaver attain level of Eagle Scouts

Taylor Steele and Justin Neufeld Weaver were awarded the Eagle Scout rank, the highest attainable rank in the Boy Scouts of America at the Eagle Scout Court of Honor held April 23 at the town hall.

Steele is the son of Steven and Tracy Steele. Taylor's Eagle service project was to renovate the restroom at Buckeye Park.

Justin Neufeld Weaver is the Son of Paul and Laurel Neufeld Weaver. Justin's Eagle Scout service project was the renovation of a flower bed at village park.

