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Robin S. Bowlus named to Ohio University Alumni Association Board

Robin Bowlus

Robin S. Bowlus, Director of Public Relations at Bluffton University, was recently named to the Ohio University Alumni Association (OUAA) Board of Directors.

She was among four new members named, each receiving four-year terms.

When choosing new Board members, the OUAA strives to achieve a balance of alumni from varying ethnicities, graduating years, post-collegiate professions and geographic locations.

Comprised of 20 university graduates of varying demographics, the Board represents the diversity of more than 192,000 Bobcats worldwide.


MMH residents take a trip - sort of - to Hawaii

Jeannie Nichols and Kathleen Mikkelsen

Hawaiian Ice Cream anyone?

Mennonite Memorial Home held its annual ice cream social for family, friends and resident last week where everyone was transported away to a distant island.

The theme was Hawaiian and the music and decorations helped turn the chapel into a fresh, brightly-colored island experience.

Participants were carried away to a warmer climate where they enjoyed several flavors of ice cream and toppings. Over 70 people attended.


Mennonite Home celebrates hats

Aggie Folk styling a lovely black felt hat

The residents and staff at the Mennonite Memorial Home paid tribute this last week to the ever-stylish tradition of wearing hats. A nod was given towards the Royal Wedding and also to the upcoming Kentucky Derby, two events where hats are a must.

Many of the residents enjoyed picking out and modeling different types of hat, bonnets, caps and fedora's for each other. A short program was given talking about the traditions of hats. Staff also got into the spirit and sported hats throughout the day.


Devon See and Zach Shaw reign at BHS prom

Click on image to enlarge

Bluffton High School's reigning prom king and queen are Devon See (queen) and Zach Shaw (king). The prom was Saturday night at The Centre. To view videos of the event click here. (photo by Elizabeth Cogley).


Maple Crest's May activity calendar available to Icon viewers

The May Maple Crest calendar is now available to Icon viewers. Click here to access the calendar.


Volunteer needed to fill Mennonite Memorial Home birdfeeders

The Mennonite Memorial Home is needing a volunteer to fill birdfeeders. Residents have a variety of feeders placed around the building and the birds' appetite require a weekly filling.

This volunteer opportunity is once-a-week and takes only 1/2 to 1 hour. The volunteering will begin immediately and the volunteer will be trained. If you would like to fill the MMH bird feeders, please call Mary Ann Ring at 419-358-1015.

