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Bluffton police warn residents about Lima prison escape

At approximately 9:50 p.m. this evening (Sept. 11), the Bluffton police department sent out the following message on its Nixle alert system:

Prison escape from Lima. Secure property and call 911 to report any suspicious activity.




Here's Bluffton's June police docket

Matt Oglesbee, Bluffton police sergeant, provided The Icon with the June Bluffton police docket, which follows.

Bluffton Police Department Public Docket

June 2
-A N. Jackson St. Resident reported that his wife left the residence with all of their belongings and money and he did not know where she had gone.


Rick Skilliter: "Gun shots" were fireworks shot off last night

Were you awakened last night between 2 and 2:30 a.m. to what may have sounded like guns firing?

No such thing.

Rick Skillier, Bluffton police chief, informed the Icon this morning that several residents called the department about hearing "gun shots" in the early morning hours.

Skillier said that what residents heard were fireworks being shot off in the area of Bluffton University.

"There was no public safety hazard to the noises reported last night," Skilliter said. "Residents heard fireworks being shot off."


Here's the Bluffton Police Department February docket

Matt Oglesbee, Bluffton police sergeant, provided The Icon with the February Bluffton police docket, which follows.

Bluffton Police Department Public Docket

Feb. 1
-An E Elm St. resident reported receiving a threatening letter in the mail.

Feb. 3
A Jenera resident reported that the passport that he had ordered was never delivered. 


Bluffton Police Docket for January

Rick Skilliter, Bluffton police chief, provided the Icon with the January Bluffton police log, which follows:


Bluffton fire department responded to 87 calls in 2013 - down 20 from previous year

Bluffton's fire department responded to 20 less calls in 2013 than in 2012, according to Jon Kinn, fire chief. During 2012 the department responded to 107 fire calls. This past year that number decreased to 87.

A chart at the bottom of this story shows runs by month and by type. June was the busiest month with 13 calls while December had only 4.


