
Bluffton's Chase bank was the scene of a robbery this morning (Oct. 21). A statement from Rick Skilliter, Bluffton police chief, explains that a suspect has been arrested.

Skilliter's report follows:

At 8:56 a.m. today a lone white male entered the Chase Bank, 135 S. Main St., Bluffton,  and presented tellers with a note that threatened an explosion if his demand for money was not met. A teller complied with the demand and turned over an undisclosed amount of money. The man fled from the bank.

Rick Skilliter, Bluffton police chief, sent the following Nixle announcement at 2:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 15:

Elderly female waked away from College Avenue and Greding Street area earlier this morning. Possibly wearing a pink coat and carrying a black purse. She is 5-feet tall.

Please check your area and report to 911 if you see the female.

At approximately 9:50 p.m. this evening (Sept. 11), the Bluffton police department sent out the following message on its Nixle alert system:

Prison escape from Lima. Secure property and call 911 to report any suspicious activity.



Matt Oglesbee, Bluffton police sergeant, provided The Icon with the June Bluffton police docket, which follows.

Bluffton Police Department Public Docket

June 2
-A N. Jackson St. Resident reported that his wife left the residence with all of their belongings and money and he did not know where she had gone.

Were you awakened last night between 2 and 2:30 a.m. to what may have sounded like guns firing?

No such thing.

Rick Skillier, Bluffton police chief, informed the Icon this morning that several residents called the department about hearing "gun shots" in the early morning hours.

Skillier said that what residents heard were fireworks being shot off in the area of Bluffton University.

"There was no public safety hazard to the noises reported last night," Skilliter said. "Residents heard fireworks being shot off."

Matt Oglesbee, Bluffton police sergeant, provided The Icon with the February Bluffton police docket, which follows.

Bluffton Police Department Public Docket

Feb. 1
-An E Elm St. resident reported receiving a threatening letter in the mail.

Feb. 3
A Jenera resident reported that the passport that he had ordered was never delivered. 
