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Public Meetings

Agenda for April 10 Bluffton council meeting

The Village of Bluffton council will hold a regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 10. The agenda and supporting materials provided by the Village preview  some of the topics and legislation to be included in the meeting.

Logan Mattewson will make an Eagle Scout presentation. He is working with GROB Systems employees on the fabrication, welding and design of a U.S. flag retirement box to be located at Town Hall. Photos of the box are on the GROB Facebook page.


Summary of March 27 Bluffton Council Meeting

After the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Richard Johnson opened the March 27 Bluffton council meeting by leading a moment of silence in recognition of the school shooting that occurred earlier in the day, killing three children and three adults at a Christian school in Nashville. After a minute, and without comment, the Mayor moved on to the first item, approving the prior meeting's minutes.

A packet of meeting documents supplied by the Village of Bluffton can be accessed HERE.


Parks & Recreation Committee meets on March 28

The Village of Bluffton has announced a Parks & Recreation Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 28 at 4:00 p.m.

The meeting will be at the Bluffton Town Hall, 154 N. Main St.


Action items and reports for March 2023 Apollo Board of Ed

The Apollo Career Center board of education will hold a regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on March 27. The complete agenda is attached HERE

This public meeting will be held in the Apollo board room, 3325 Shawnee Rd, Lima. 

In brief, the meeting will include board votes on:

- Treasurer's report

- Advance $25K into the Renovation House Project fund


Bluffton High School-Ogawa High School become exchange program partners

By Paula Scott

This week Bluffton High School welcomed University of Findlay professor Hiroaki Kawamura and 2022-23 Ohio Saitama University Scholarship recipient Yuki Miyahara to meet with students and the school board to introduce the community to a new partnership between the high school and Ogawa High School in Japan.


Beyond the agenda: Bluffton Board of Education March meeting

Earlier this week, the Icon provided a preview of items on the Bluffton Exempted Village School board of eduction agenda for its March 20 meeting. All items requiring board approval, including financial transactions, minutes of the prior meeting and contracts, were passed with unanimous support.

Here we’ll report on some of the discussions not previewed on the meeting’s agenda:

