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Regional news

Registration underway now for 2014-15 Bluffton Community Preschool

Bluffton Community Preschool is now accepting enrollment for the 2014-15 program year, according to Shelly Matijevich, director. Classes are for preschool youth ages 3 to 5. Classes are held in First United Methodist Church, 116 Church St., Bluffton. 

Several helpful attachments, including a preschool brochure, are printer-friendly attachments at the bottom of this story.


Dumpsters at Spring Street recycle center until June 2

The dumpsters at the Spring Street recycle center are ready for Bluffton's two week spring clean up.

Residents of the village have from Friday through Monday, June 2, to place unwanted items in the dumpsters. No tires, paint or hazardous material please!


Osprey fishing in Riley Creek

Last week Dawn King sent the Icon a great photo of an American Bald Eagle perched in a tree along Riley Creek. Since that posting, several Icon views state that they've spotted the "Bluffton" eagle in the vicinity of Riley Creek.

If you missed that photo click here. It takes you to the May photo gallery. You'll easily find the Eagle.

Dawn now sends up a photo of an osprey fishing in the Riley. 


Bluffton's TV blitz start tonight on Fox


Bluffton's blitz on TV begins tonight. Fox TV, Lima, channel 9, Time Warner, will feature the community this week with several feature stories. In addition, several Bluffton area businesses, including the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, will air TV spots.


Lima Rotary Foundation presents quarterly grants

The Lima Rotary Foundation presented its quarterly grants to two non-profit agencies on  May 19 at  noon during the weekly Rotary Club meeting, held in the North Hall of the Civic Center at 7 Town Square.

Lima-Allen County Young Life is receiving $500 to provide scholarships for students to go to summer camp. 

High Octane Drum Line is receiving $1,500 to purchase instruments, uniforms and supplies.

Medical Equipment and Supplies Abroad (MESA) is receiving $5,000 to collect medical equipment and supplies and ship them to partner Rotary Clubs around the world.


Bluffton chamber launches free QR Code program for its members

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce will launch a “QR Code” project for its members next week. The initial project will start with members who have businesses on Main Street. The popular code offer businesses several benefits in the emerging social media era.

What is a QR Code?

QR is short for Quick Response (they can be read quickly by a cell phone). QR Codes can be seen in magazine advertisements, on billboards, a web page, business card and even on someone’s t-shirt.

