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Everyone wins at Saturday's Southgate-chamber fireworks fundraiser

If you’ve not marked Saturday, June 28, on your calendar, do so now. That’s the date that Bluffton’s going up in the air in all sorts of decorative colors and sounds.

It’s the date of this year’s Bluffton fireworks held at Bluffton University’s Salzman’s Stadium.



Bluffton food pantry receives $1,500 from Community Markets

Community Markets and parent company Fresh Encounter, Inc. are doing their part to help alleviate food shortage concerns throughout the state of Ohio by donating over $13,000 to area food banks and shelters.


Nearly 3 inches of rain in first week of April

April showers bring May flowers. If the first week of April is any indication of the rest of the month, it will be a wet month. According to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, 2.68 inches of rain fell in the Icon viewer area during April 1-7.

For a complete daily weather summary, open the attachment at the bottom of this story.


Friday chamber breakfast features Bluffton school classroom technology; healing touches workshop follows

Bluffton schools will present a program showcasing its latest classroom technology during the Friday, April 11, Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast. The program is in the third floor of the Bluffton town hall.

In addition, Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs will announce the three winners of its 2014 Ropp Triplett Business Plan Competition. The first place winner receives $5,000 in business start up costs; second place $1,000 in business start up costs; third place, a one-year free affiliation with BCE’s services.


March had 64 degree temperature extremes

Local tempuratures were all over the map in March, as shown by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer. Check March's highs, lows and precipitation in the attachment to this story.


Headwaters of Riley Creek could serve as beaver reintroduction effort

Fans of the beaver – never say die.

Save the Mammals, a national proactive wildlife organization dedicated to animal heritage projects, this week announced its intention to reintroduce beavers in Ohio.

The feeder streams of the Riley are among four areas in Ohio under consideration for reintroduction of the once-common Black Swamp mammal.

The other three areas are Ripley, near the Ohio River in southwestern Ohio; Barnesville in southeastern Ohio; and a yet-to-be named area in northeastern Ohio.

